Sunday, January 13, 2013

The Continuation of Introduction

It is important to understand the fleeting quality of life. Impermanence. Nothing remains the same forever, it might as well be a rule of the universe. Even a bit of writing may change over time. While the words of a piece remain the same, their meaning can be different to various people, and at various times. Truly, even a single person can see opposing views in the same argument, depending on his or her mood/outlook/depth of contemplation/level of attachment/recent external influence/etc. So with that, let it be understood that the writings found in this blog are all works in progress, and while I have written them with a certain frame of thought in mind, they are essentially all here for you to take what you will from them. There is no complete or incomplete - there is only the potential that something may be gained from reading. Such is the fundamental principle behind the development of written language; that our words may be preserved, so that another may ascertain some meaning from them.

If life can teach us, then let us learn that there will always be more to come.

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